Satoshi Yokoyama / Deputy Director, Beijing Representative Office, Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)


Beijing Representative Office, Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)

Job Title: Deputy Director

YOKOYAMA, Satoshi started his business career as a system consultant at Daiwa Institute of Research (Japanese think-tank attached to an investment bank) in 1998.  He developed financial systems mainly focused on the middle office like market and credit risk measurement system. And also he participated in establishing an electronic bond trading market for institutional investors.

Then moved to JST in 2003, he engaged in reform of funding system for the longest time. With respect to the execution rule of research fund, in particular, he has extensive experiences and achievements in improving the system of how to make it easy to use research fund for researchers and research institutions while fulfilling accountability to taxpayers. 

From 2018, he served as Deputy Director of JST Beijing representative office coordinating international joint research programs with Chinese government.